Training Plans:

The Apprentice Plan: 1-2 sessions [Starting at $50]

The Student Plan: 3-5 sessions [Starting at $144]

The Graduate Plan: 6+ sessions [Starting at $270]

Note: Custom packages available. Prices will range based on training services, the number of lessons, and travel.

Services Include:

Obedience Training

An hour-long session working on basic or advanced obedience (OB) skills.

Obedience Level 1: 

Skills: Sit, down, release, touch, loose-leash walking, leave it, watch.

Redirection and management skills covered. 

Obedience Level 2: 

Skills: Recall, place, heel, wait, drop it, up/off.

Management and handling skills covered such as 'emergency U-turns' and prevention of behavioral issues. 

Recommended packages: The Apprentice, Student, or Graduate Plan. 

Puppy Raising Lessons

Set your puppy up for success with sessions dedicated to raising a well-adjusted puppy with a solid foundation. Recommended for puppies ages 2 months - 6 months old.

Topics include: Obedience foundations, potty training, crate training, socialization/exposure work, bite inhibition, confidence building, impulse control, positive grooming foundation, desensitization to handling, leash walking skills, engagement games, manners foundation, prevention of behavioral issues, and more.

Recommended packages: The Student or Graduate Plan.

Behavior Modification

An hour-long session focusing on addressing, managing, and modifying behavioral problems such as reactivity, resource guarding, fear/phobias, and more.

Clients will be taken on by a case-by-case basis.

Recommended packages: The Student or Graduate Plan.

SoloVenture Session - (Add-On)

Add on for a session. This is an option for busy people where I stop in to work with the dog myself, either with or without the owner. Can take place at the client's home, or another location. I will pick up + drop off the dog unless otherwise requested. Travel charge applies for a second location.

Helpful for busy clients by keeping dog consistent on training, encourages the dog to work with someone else, and allows one-on-one learning from trainer to dog to build quick success without interruptions. 

Depending on the Session's Format: A session summary will be sent to owners afterward, as well as an overview if needed. 

Available as an add-on for any Standard and Service Dog Training services.

Additional travel costs apply for a second location.

AKC Test Prep

Session(s) revolving around preparing to take one of the following tests: AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy, Canine Good Citizen (CGC), Advanced Canine Good Citizen (CGCA), Urban Canine Good Citizen (CGCU), Virtual Home Manners, or Trick Dog.

Recommended packages: The Student or Graduate Plan.

AKC Testing

Testing offered for the following programs: AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy, Canine Good Citizen (CGC), Advanced Canine Good Citizen (CGCA), Urban Canine Good Citizen (CGCU), Virtual Home Manners, and Trick Dog.

Note: I also offer trick dog testing and titling through Do More With Your Dog! 

Dogs must be AKC registered before taking the test. Tested dogs must have a registration number such as an AKC/FSS Registration number, Purebred Alternative Listing (PAL) or Canine Partners (CP).

We recommend taking AKC Test Prep courses before the test. 

Lily on 'Place'